Thursday, November 03, 2005

Home Entertainment(?)

Here's a run-down of what's on t.v. today, for those of you stuck in an office and/or out of the country:

News: Something about the guy who planned the London and Madrid bombings. It's on every channel, to the point that I've become totally disinterested. Also, the new Supreme Court nominee. Democrats are suspicious; Republicans adore him. Go figure. All I know is, his daughter looked mighty fine at the press conference.

Financial: Vioxx doesn't cause heart attacks. My ass. I took one once, and my heart started thundering as though I had just run a marathon--or, 50 yards, all things being relative. So, Merck's stock shed 40% because they killed people, but it's up 7% because they won't get in trouble for it. We should be ashamed.

Sports: Football. Occasionally a basketball or hockey story, but mostly just football.

Broadcast: Soap operas, soon to be followed by court shows or talk shows.

Music: Reality shows starring teenagers or celebrities, all the freakin' time.

Public: Kids shows. Why doesn't Rick Steves launch a hostile attack on WTTW and program nothing but his own shows all the time? You gotta love a commercial-free show about the quintessential nerdy uncle eating exotic foods.

If, in the future, you find yourself gazing out the office window, and start to wonder what's on television at that moment, don't even waste your time. There is absolutely nothing on daytime t.v. Honestly, there's better programming at 3 a.m. than 11. You'd think that 100 years of television and film history would produce enough good material, such that there would always be something worth watching on t.v. Fat chance.

Before I write for the rest of the day, I need to turn my brain off for a bit so I can approach the story from a fresh point of view. I sketched out a few good characters last night, and I figured out this morning why he was where he was when he gets killed. The plot thickens...


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