Tuesday, December 26, 2006


First of all, Merry Christmas! Second of all, the update.

Look, it's like this: Whatever your opinion of the content of this site, it is not easy to come up with all of these short and medium-length pieces on a rapid-fire basis. And, frankly, I think my abilities are worthy of creating works of longer length, more substantial content, and maybe even something commercially viable. In other words, I think I've spiraled into my current state of writer's bloc because I've been underachieving with my writing.

So, with that, and only that, in mind, I will be posting on WIS from time to time, but probably not at the rate I used to. New posts will probably be really short links, pictures, and random thoughts, or longer essays that you will probably see in an even longer form somewhere else.

To paraphrase Sandy Koufax, the question is why. Well, frankly, I've heard so many subtle and not-so-subtle hints over the last couple months, that I've finally gotten the picture. No matter how much I giggle when I think about you reading me from your office or at the end of the day, I know I can use the time I spend writing for this site more effectively. And by focusing on writing something bigger and better, I know that I can make you even happier to know and read me.

In short, it's time I seriously got to work on my magnum opus.

So, see you all soon, one way or another...


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