Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Random Thought of the Day

Jennifer Lopez was on Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton. Think about that for a second. JHo? What did she talk about? The depths of emotions required to play a maid in some cheese-dick date movie? Or how big of a stretch it was for some Mexican singer-dancer to play...a Mexican singer-dancer? Her acting experience is about as impressive as an infected wart on a pig's nuts.

If JHo can be on a show about serious acting, anything's possible. And that's really scary when you get down to it. Think about this: someone some day is probably going to produce a dramatic recreation of the behind-the-scenes story of really cheesy, crappy shows, like Full House or the Jamie Foxx Show. People are going to get paid to do that. What the fuck is wrong with pop culture?


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