Sunday, June 11, 2006

Conversation Of The Weekend

Pat, sitting on a stool behind the counter: "Yo Juan Solo! Joel looks ticked!"

Juan, stopping and turning: "Oh shit jeah."

Joel, walking into the clubhouse looking exasperated: "What the fuck guys!"

Juan, leaning forward over the bar: "Wha's happening Choel? Why is ju so pist off?"

Joel, sitting down at a barstool in disgust: "What's with this fucking outing you guys got out there? They've got two and three fucking holes between groups! Truck driving pieces of shit! (Pauses to take a pull off his Pabst.) But the course looks great."

Drunk truck driver-looking guy, from across the clubhouse: "Whoa! What the fuck? Hey buddy! Who the fuck are you calling a truck driving piece of shit?"

Pat: "Hey Juan, you got that phone?" Dial 911; prepare to press send.

Drunk truck driver-looking guy's drunk wife/girlfriend: "Honey, relax. You are a truck driver, remember? You deliver medicine for Baxter."

Drunk truck driver-looking guy: "Well, that doesn't give this fucking asshole the right to call me a truck driving piece of shit."

Drunk truck driver-looking guy's drunk wife/girlfirend's drunk friend: "Ok, ok, let's go to the bar."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is your WIS conversation of the weekend.


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