Sunday, January 01, 2006

561 Love

I'm taking tonight off from the booze, in a quest to have at least one full day of the vacation sober. As you might expect, southeast Florida is amazingly gorgeous, and my parents' house is ridiculously nice, so much so that I feel guilty about it. I'm a very lucky guy.

Since I've been more or less plastered since I stepped off the plane on Monday, I can't seem to remember enough details about any particular night to create a worthwhile post. There have been some pretty ridiculous moments, though. Maybe I'll post a compilation of them when I get home later in the week when I have some time to reminisce. I'd be pretty surprised, though, if anything comes roaring back to mind from the ether.

Drinking to the point of blackout, sleeping until noon, watching football, long walks along the beach, giving and taking ridiculous amounts of crap from and with my family, hanging out with close friends, eating like I'm going to the electric chair, reading a great book every couple days, making a few job-related inquiries--come to think of it, that differs not at all from my typical routine, but the scenery sure is a lot more tropical.

I keep reminding myself that this is not reality, that the dream will come to a crashing halt once I step off the plane Tuesday night, but I can't deal with that right now, not with a huge slice of key lime pie waiting for me in the kitchen. I love Florida.


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