Wednesday, February 01, 2006

S.I. = M.I.A.

Where's Mike Nardi?

I don't see how ScrewConn is ranked #1. Are they 18-1? Sure. But who are most of those victories against? The list includes Quinnipiac, Stony Brook, and Texas Southern, to name a few. Most of their non-conference schedule reads like a list of schools you'd never let your children attend. And it's not like any of those places is a crappy school with a good basketball program, like ScrewConn itself. Then, when they came out of that long, long non-conference padding of the winning percentage nonsense portion of the schedule, how did they do in their first Big East test? They lost to Marquette. Correction: they BLEW against Marquette, which doesn't even have a very good squad this year. And, ScrewConn's best player is named Gay. ("Dude, you're Gay!" "Screw you, man!" "No, I said it with a capital G." "Oh, that's cool then.") Also, fuck Jim Calhoun. That guy is phonier than a three-dollar bill.

Villanova, on the other hand, lost close games to two schools who have been legitimate Top 10s for the past two years--Texas and West Virginia. All of the kids in our program will graduate; they do indeed go to class and have brains. I heard that the assistants check in at their classrooms every day to make sure they're sitting there, and it doesn't surprise me. It's exactly what you'd expect from Jay Wright, who is a class act all the way. Also, when they pull Foye or Nardi or Ray to the side for a post-game interview, I swell with pride to hear them answer the reporter's questions. Those guys are a credit to the school, and I'm not just saying that because they're good this year. I'm very proud of them, because they represent themselves and the school as well as they play basketball. The AP and ESPN voters will occasionally clamor for more academics in collegiate sports when the topic might make a splash and sell some ad space, but it is clear that they would rather slobber all over a program as flagrantly crooked as ScrewConn's when no one feels much like playing watchdog. That Villanova is legit both on and off the court should mean something to the voters; we still have a few weeks to see if it does.

Enough about how great we are....or not! I simply cannot wait until 'Nova gets to have their way with the Huskies--and I don't mean the exclusively fat bitches who go to that shitbox "school." I think you gain automatic admission to ScrewConn if you can spell Connecticut without using a D or a K. The ScrewConn fans will probably spend most of our two games against them trying to figure out why so many kids have Vs on the fronts of their shirts when the name of the school is 'Nova. Really, though, do you expect much more from people willing to waste four (or five, or six, or seven) years of their lives in a place as desolate as Storrs, Connecticut? That place is worse than limbo--it could be worse, but could it?

At any rate, I think we have a very good chance of being ranked #1 before the year is out. If we can topple ScrewConn at least once (if not twice), I don't see why #1 would be outside the realm of possibility. And, at any rate, if Villanova, this little Catholic college outside of Philly that is far too basketball-obsessed to bother with a big-time football program, rolls into March with a top seed in the tournament, I'll be the happiest guy in America.

Scream it loud and scream it proud: Let's go 'Nova!


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