Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Hey! What up? How goes it? Everybody listening? Good.

I've decided that it's time for the blogging to resume. I actually wrote a good deal of material while I was away, both for the Pruitt story and WIS postings. The blog posts from over my break are (slowly) being edited and published, and you'll find them scattered around over the past couple months. So if you were jonesing for mindless reading for to pass the time, you'd best browse the March and April archives.

What's up with me? Well, as you know, 'Nova blew in the Elite Eight, which was very upsetting. But, the Cubs got off to a great start, summer weather has made a couple of early-spring appearances, I went down to Florida for a few days, and the golf course has opened for business. That's pretty much the summary of what I've been up to--yet I've managed to interject enough nonsensical ramblings to transform the simple story of what I see into the colossal flow-of-consciousness project that is What I See.

It's really great to be back, and thanks for stopping by. Talk at you soon...


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